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Easter 2020 in Big Bear

HomeEaster 2020 in Big BearEaster 2020 in Big Bear

While traveling for the Easter holiday may not be the first thing that comes to mind for a vacation getaway, we highly recommend it! The Easter holiday is typically a quieter time for traveling, especially when it comes to Big Bear. So why not have a little fun this Easter in Big Bear and check out all the incredible activities available in Big Bear? Here are some Easter activities happening this year in Big Bear:

Live Performance from Reverend Horton Heat

Dance to modern rockabilly tunes from famed performer Reverend Horton Heat this Easter weekend. Reverend Horton Heat will be stopping by The Cave Entertainment in the Village for an evening of live tunes. Joining him will be Electric Six and Jimmy Dale Richardson. Make sure you do not miss this exclusive performance taking place on Saturday April 11th from 6:30 PM to 11:30 PM. Tickets start at just $30 per person if you purchase them in advance.

Easter Egg Hunt at Bear Valley Farms

One of the most memorable events for any Easter weekend is an exciting Easter egg hunt for the children. Let the whole family get in on the fun by visiting Bear Valley Farms for their annual Easter egg hunt. Thousands of different Easter eggs will be hidden across the farmlands, allowing for hours of searching. In addition to all the Easter eggs will be 10 special golden eggs that when claimed provide a special prize that is one of a kind. Guests of this Easter event will also have access to hayrides, pony rides, and even a petting zoo. The Easter bunny will be out and about, so make sure you bring a camera to snap a picture of your child posing with this lovable mascot!

Visit Early Before Big Bear Mountain Closes for the Season

The winter season in Big Bear last a bit longer than other areas of the country, so make sure you get in some skiing or snowboarding before the mountain closes. Big Bear Mountain is typically open until the close of Easter weekend; make sure you arrive earlier in the week so you can enjoy the mountain (often a bit quieter at the end of the season) for some last-minute winter sport fun.

Easter Bunny on Snow Summit

Not only can you get in one last run down Big Bear Mountain, but you can also find a variety of Easter events at Snow Summit the Saturday before Easter Sunday. This is an all-day event from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM with plenty of activities for everyone. Start your day off by getting your final few laps down the mountain in the morning. Starting at 4:00 PM, Snow Summit will host Easter themed activities beginning with a free bounce house and face painting. Additional activities will include egg contests, best dressed for Easter contests, photograph opportunities with the Easter Bunny, and two Easter egg hunts. Finally, the evening will end with a Movies in the Meadow showing with an Easter theme. The event is completely open to the public, so make sure your stop by to celebrate Easter with the crew at Snow Summit.

Sunday Church with Big Bear Community Church

Not every Easter celebration needs to include games. If you are looking for a great church to visit during your travels, make sure you stop at Big Bear Church. This local ministry offers special sermons designed just for the holiday. Big Bear Community Church will also be hosting a special Easter egg hunt, but this will be earlier in March. Reach out with any questions you might have about Big Bear Community Church by dialing 909-866-7523 or by calling The Big Bear Community Church office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Easter Brunch Done Right

Stop by local favorite The Pines Lakefront for Easter brunch, a popular restaurant known for incredible meals at a premier location on the water. Inside you will find a charming open beam ceiling, luxury carpeting, and wood floors surrounding the bar. The Pines Lakefront offers a beautiful lakefront view that makes for a fantastic dining experience. You can enjoy delicious food and breakfast themed beverages for brunch over Easter weekend. Indulge yourself in classic breakfast entrees such as pancakes, English muffins, eggs made to order, omelets, and so much more. The Pines Lakefront brunch is always a popular event, so make sure you place your reservations well in advance. You can do just that by calling 909-866-5400

More Fun is Waiting This Easter in Big Bear

Do not let the spring season pass you by without a visit to Big Bear. Call our agents today and find the perfect vacation rental for your Easter vacation in Big Bear!